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Partners in Missions, inc.



        308 Windridge Dr.          

West Monroe, LA. 71291 


(whenever you use PiM link above on Amazon, 

they will deposit 0.5% into our bank account)


Founded by

Karvin & Sandy Adams

First North American missionaries from their denomination to Ecuador

To be a partner with the Church in making disciples of the

Indigenous Peoples of the Americas


Karvin's book "Is There Anything I Can Do?"

about their missionary experiences : karvin adams


Our Purpose...

Help the Indigenous Peoples Become Spiritually Mature that Their Churches,

with the Help of the Holy Spirit,

 May Be Self-Governing, Self-Propagating and Self-Reliant


Partners in Missions Is...

~Governed by a Board of Directors

~Approved by IRS as a Nonprofit Religious Organization 501 (c) 3

All Donations are Fully Tax Deductible and Used 100% as Donor Designates 


Our Support Comes Entirely From...

 Individuals and Congregations

Who Share a Common Burden for Reaching the Indigenous Peoples.

We are Not Funded by Any Certain Denomination


Areas of Ministry Include...

~Faith Promise Mission Conventions

~Providing Short-term Mission Opportunities

~Working with Missionaries and Their Sending Agencies

~D.S. Warner Christian School in Chepen, Peru

~Leadership Development

~Working with the Mayan Indians of Guatemala






Doña Concepción Ramírez Mendoza (Chonita)

The Most Famous Woman in Guatemala


Her image has been on Guatemala's $.25 coin since 1959, also known as an advocate for peace.

She and her family have been pioneer evangelical church workers for over 50 years. 


Her father and husband were both killed in Guatemala's civil war (1960-1996) even though they didn't take-up arms.  


She spoke in our seminary March 2017. 

Karvin helped paint her house in Santiago Atitlan 2017.










Adams - Founder/Director

Missions Data


D. S. Warner School

Church Leadership Training


(Otto Lopez, Director) 

Church Leadership Training

Chance Project

Mayan & Mestizo

Guatemala Orphans


Karvin's book

"Is There Anything I Can Do?"

about their mission experiences

available in eBook & paperback at : karvin adams
